Saturday, September 6, 2008

UW vs. BYU

BYU finally came to Seattle to play against UW. Since Sam and I both went to BYU, we decided to go support them. Technically though, Sam was very excited that they were coming, as was his dad and brother (Josh). I went only because it was something to do and Sam really wanted me to go. I do like to watch football, it's pretty much the only sport I can semi-tolerate, (well, basketball too) I'm just not as big of a fan as the rest of the family I guess. But that doesn't matter. This game was incredible. It started off with BYU making the first touchdown, then was a close game the entire time. What was absolutley crazy, and I have to side with UW on this one...the penalty against UW for celebrating too much after scoring a touchdown that brought the game to 27-28 (in favor of BYU) was ridiculous. But I guess rules are rules. So, UW had to move back a few yards before they could kick the ball over the goal post (sorry, don't know what that's called...not a huge football fan obviously). With only 2 seconds left in the game, BYU stopped UW from kicking the ball. Now, people think this is due to the ridiculous penalty, but who's to say that this wouldn't have happened if the penalty was never called? I like to think that it would have happened anyway, and BYU would still have won.

Despite the fact that I'm not a die hard fan, this game was amazing! The energy from the fans was incredible. It definitely was a lot of fun and I'm glad we had the chance to go.


Stephanie said...

I would have loved to have gone, I haven't been to a college football game since BYU. It looks like you had good seats too. I will say BYU has always been really good at blocking field goals, so if UW would have missed the PAT I can understand why they would be so upset, but BYU blocked it so it wasn't as bad. And although the call sucked, the NCAA has some new rules which they are trying to be strict on including that the person scoring the touchdown has to immediately give the ball to the ref or leave it there and not "throw it high in the air." Stupid, but I think the officials were being overly cautious, although anyone would side with UW on that one I'm sure.

Christina said...

That controversy was all over the news- even in Colorado. And, I would have to agree with the UW fans- a pretty rediculous penalty! But, I am jealous you go tto go- sounds like a lot of fun!!!