Friday, September 26, 2008

Pictures, Pictures, and more Pictures!!!

Yesterday I took Logan to get his 9 month and Halloween pictures done. We went to the portrait studio at Walmart, because let's face it, they are cheap and I don't like spending lots of money on pictures. They did a good job, but now we have to wait 2 weeks to get the pictures, and then we can't even put them on our computer. The CD was way too expensive. Later that day I decided I needed to find a new place to get pictures done. Preferrably one that doesn't charge a sitting fee. Well, I found one at Babies R Us. They are awesome! A little more expensive than Wal Mart, but they are so much better too. I went there just to ask a few questions about how they did things and they took a couple of free shots of Logan just so I could see how they did their job. I have to say, I was very impressed. And since I was so impressed with them, I made an appointment to get family pictures done on Saturday. It's too easy to get me to say yes when it comes to Logan and Sam. I would do anything for those two!


Dan said...

wow he is getting so old, right before our eyes!

Christina said...

I could spend hundreds on pictures- but I always refrain! You are right, the CD's are way super expensive. Target has pretty good prices- I have never tried Babies R Us- definitely let us know how they turn out!