Thursday, May 19, 2011


So those of you who know me well, know that I get sick about every other week or so. It's almost always tonsillitis. So I saw a specialist and he agreed that my tonsils needed to come out. So last week they did. While I was getting ready I had a few nurses ask me some questions, one of them being, "Are you sick now?" my answer "No, not really, but my throat hurts." The anesthesiologist came in and asked some questions and asked me to tip my head back (they were going to put in a breathing tube and she needed to look I guess) once I did, she exclaimed "My goodness, I know why those are coming out!" Apparently they were pretty swollen, which I knew but had been used to it since it had been so long. Once I woke up and was in the recovery room the doctor came in and told me that it's a good thing we took them out. They were completely infected. Eww gross!

I had been told some rather horrific stories of adults getting their tonsils out. It freaked me out so much that I wanted to cancel. But my loving husband insisted that it be done. But those stories helped me prepare. I prepared myself for pain like I've never felt before. After a wonderful blessing from Sam the morning of, I was ready. Well, as ready as one can be for such things. It's been a week, and yes, there have been days that have been harder than others, but it really hasn't been as bad as I was expecting. True, there is pain, but it's just like having tonsillitis only a tad worse. I was told to stay in bed for 10-14 days. I'm on day 7 or so. Yes, it hurts, but I'm so glad I did it. I'm halfway through the "worst" of it. I'm anxious to get back on my feet and get back to a normal life. Who knew that having your tonsils out would be so exhausting. Of course, being on percocet every 4 hours is probably contributing to the exhaustion, and possibly helping me think I don't have as much pain as I could. I am so glad I did it and can't wait for summer to come and to actually be able to enjoy it with my kids. :)

1 comment:

Christina said...

I'm glad you were prepared for it and that you are on the mend!!! Hopefully you won't ever get sick again:)