Friday, December 24, 2010

A Goodnight Story

Last night, Olivia was having a hard time going to bed. I would hold her, she would scream. I would put her in her crib, she would scream even louder. Finally, I gave up and let her go into Logan's room to try to sleep in the toddler bed. Logan was thrilled to have his sister in his room. She just wanted to play. She jumped on the bed, laughed, held teddy bears...finally she got into bed with Logan. They seemed content, so Sam and I left them. I was standing outside the door for a few minutes when I heard Logan ask Livi a question. "Do you want to read 'Goodnight Moon', sweetheart?" And then I heard him "read" the book to her. (He has it memorized.) It was such a touching moment. I was so proud of my little boy. Such a wonderful big brother!

Logan, I love you so much!!!

The night didn't go that smoothly for much longer. Soon, Olivia wanted out of the room and eventually went to sleep in her own bed. Logan was very upset that she left. He kept crying for "Eeya" to come back to bed with him. I'm so glad that he wants to share his room with her. One day it will happen. But for now, I'm not ready for her to sleep in a toddler bed. I'm just fine with her being in the crib.

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