Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One Week!

In one week, we will be welcoming our little girl to our family. It's just crazy how all of this is working out. I've never wanted to have a c-section, but I guess some things in life never turn out as planned. We are scheduled to have our baby on July 7th. I have an appointment today to go over all of the details of the surgery and what to expect. It's hard for me to believe that after all of the pre term labor and false labor I've had with her that it's all going to end up scheduled. I'm still not sure how I feel about picking her birthday, I like the idea of it being spontaneous. But at least this way we can have everything ready for her, our bags packed and ready to go without having to rush around the house like crazy at the last minute. I'm excited, nervous, giddy, and scared all at the same time. Talk about your emotional roller coaster. But when all is said and done, we'll have our little girl and that's really all that matters.


Christina said...

Have your contractions all stopped, then? I am totally impressed you were able to make it this far after all of the problems you have had!

Jessica said...

Hey! It's Jessica Myrup!
I saw on your FB that you have a blog. Wow, I am so excited for you, but I am sure you are nervous. I hope everything goes great.

Tiffiny said...

I'll be thinking of you on the 7th! I hope all goes well. ...and I look forward to seeing pictures of your cute baby after she's born!!