It has been so difficult this past week, well, this past month really. About a month ago I started having contractions, but it wasn't until last Thursday that they really started to get strong and regular. Unfortunately there is nothing anyone can do. I've been to the hospital so many times only to be sent home with no relief. I just get the medicine to stop the labor, but not the pain. Of course, the contractions never seem to stop, but I am getting used to them. I'm not sure that's such a good thing though. I had another ultrasound on Sunday only to be told that my baby girl measures to be a little over 9lbs. I'm not so sure if I believe her to be that big, but I do know that she is big, maybe 8lbs. As a result of the baby being big (she measures 38.5 weeks) and the fact that I had a difficult delivery with Logan, it looks as if I'm going to have a C-section with this one. I'm really not looking forward to it, but honestly, we think it's probably the best way to go. All that needs to happen though is for me to actually start labor again and then we'll have her. But if that doesn't happen, then the C-section will be scheduled at 39 weeks. (The Dr.'s can't schedule it earlier for some reason or another, something about the law or something.) Sam and I are really hoping that labor will start up again on its own sometime next week. I know I don't want to keep going through this for another 3 weeks.
I keep telling Sam that this little girl owes us big time for what she's put us through, but I know that once I see her, all will be forgotten.
For your sake I hope she comes soon. That does not sound comfortable! And, I am sure once you see her all will be forgotten as you said. Hopefully that will happen soon though!
I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you- but you are right-in a few weeks this will be over! Good luck!
I'm glad you have family close by to help out right now! I wish you the very best in everything in these coming weeks. Oh, just think how sweet it will be to finally see your precious little girl!!
Hang in there girl! I hope everything goes good with the delivery, the waiting part doesn't help though. I liked my c-section, but everyone is different.
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