Monday, March 30, 2009


To celebrate our anniversary, Sam and I went to Portland on Friday and Saturday. We dropped Logan off at my parents house and made our way south. We made it just in time to check into our hotel, change clothes and then head out again to make our dinner reservations. We had a fantastic dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. They had a great deal going where you got a salad, main dish, a side dish and dessert for about $40. Still expensive, I know, but it was actually a lot cheaper than ordering off the menu.

After a wonderful meal, we made our way to the Keller Auditorium where we saw Wicked. I have wanted to see that show for quite some time, and it just happened to be playing the weekend we were down there. It was amazing! It had everything, drama, comedy, was just great! One day I hope to see it again.

The next day, we had plans to go to the Japanese Garden. It was raining, but we were really hoping that it would somehow miraculously stop when we got to the park. It didn't. But we still went outside to go to the garden. Only, after climbing a few steps, I quickly realized that there was no way I could do it. I've had some pretty intense pain with this pregnancy and walking can really trigger the pain. So when we saw that we actually had to hike up to the garden, we quickly turned around. It was a bit disappointing, but we'll make it there one day.

On the brighter side, we did get to see the world's smallest park. I'm not kidding. Mill Ends Park is the smallest park in the world and it just happens to be in Portland. We just about missed it the first time we drove by so when I took the picture, I just got the top of the tree. The second time around the picture was too blury. So, here is a picture of the park from off the internet.

I'm still not sure how this is a park, but whatever makes people happy I guess. It's located in the middle of a street where a hole was made for a light pole, but the light never arrived, so someone planted a tree. Crazy!

After shopping at Costco (very romantic, I know) we decided to head home. There just wasn't much else to do with the rain. The drive home was crazy though. It was raining so hard at some points that you couldn't really see in front of you, and then there was snow. With the weather behaving the way it was, it was hard to believe that it's the end of March. We eventually made it back to my parents house to get Logan. He had such a wonderful time with his grandparents. His favorite part was probably playing with (or chasing) the cat. He didn't seem to happy to see us, but we expected that. After having so much fun with grandma and grandpa, why would he want to go back home where it can be boring? :)

Thanks mom and dad for watching him! He had a great time!

1 comment:

AuntieRachel said...

If you had nothing else to do in the rain, you were certainly welcome to stop by and say hello!