Monday, March 2, 2009

Kittens and a kid

On Friday, I took Logan down to his Uncle David's house. He had just got 2 kittens and Logan is a big fan of animals, so I thought it would be fun for him to be around them. That, and he got to spend some time with his uncle. We had so much fun and the kittens are adorable and super friendly. Logan even said "Hi kitty"! I thought I had just heard it, but David was shocked and asked if I had heard it too. So, apparently Logan can say "hi" and "kitty", he just doesn't say it often.

It didn't take long for Logan to find all the of Xbox 360 items, especially the drums for Rock Band. Logan loves to play with the drumsticks at our house and apparently the kittens like to play with them at David's. So when Logan found the drumsticks and started playing with them, it didn't take long for the kittens to follow Logan all over the house. It was too cute!


Aimee said...

That is so cute. I love how the cats are not even afraid of Logan. Logan seems to feel about the same with the kitties.

Anonymous said...

That is adorable. Jake loves our cats and chases then around. Loves to head butt them and rub is head on them :)