Friday, January 23, 2009

The world of Facebook

Can anyone explain to me the point of Facebook? It seems that everyone I know has an account. So, today I got curious about it and signed up. Only, now I don't really know what to do with it. There has to be some reason for it, otherwise it woudldn't be so popular, right? Well, perhaps over time I'll get it figured out. :)


Stephanie said...

Well, basically the point is to keep in touch with friends. You can add friends, share pictures, comment to each other- and that's the point. Basically it is online interaction for those of us that use the internet more than the phone for contacting people. I'm on Facebook and from what I can tell, that's the point.

Liz said...

It's a really great way to waste time =-). So many silly little games to play.

Christina said...

I agree with you- it's more of a way to stalk people you haven't seen or heard from in years, maybe send them one or two messages, and then forget about them all over again...I much prefer blogs!

Dan said...

Once you have added friends it becomes interesting learning about them and then the fun part is when people you haven't talked to in years show up and that's the fun part.

Unknown said...

I think facebook is great because then you can find old friends and see what they are up to. And, if there is a link to their blog it is even better and you can really see what they're up to. Congrats on expecting baby #2!