Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Logan's 1 year stats

Today we had Logan's 1 year appointment. Turns out he weighs less and is a lot taller than I thought.

Weight: 25lbs 5ozs. - 75th %tile
Height: 31 3/4 inches - 95th %tile

I had thought that he weighed around 30lbs, but perhaps that's because I seem to be getting weaker every day...that and he eats A LOT!!!! He is very active though which is most likely why he eats so much. He has mastered running through the house. His favorite game to play is "catch me if you can". It starts with him looking at one of us and giving us a huge grin and giggle, followed by him running behind the couch. At this point, we are supposed to go after him where he continues to run and squeal in delight. If we don't go after him, he starts to yell at us and comes back around the couch and gives us a look. He is quite good with the facial expressions. Another thing that he loves to do is point at any kind of food that he wants and say "mmm...mum mum mummmm" He also says this after he eats it if he likes it. He amazes me every day with what he learns. This next year should be interesting, entertaining, and fun.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

He is so cute, and what a good child in his pictures! This next year willl be tons of fun. Kids learn so much so fast, and when you your other baby it will be fun to see how fast they learn as well. I love the 1-2 year because they start talking and communicating better, which is nice for us parents!