Monday, November 1, 2010

Logan's Vocabulary

**I will blog about the new house and all our adventures one day. Right now I'm just focused on trying to get the house in order a bit.

I thought I should write down some of what Logan says. His vocabulary has increased immensely since he had the tubes put in his ears. Along with that though are words that aren't even remotely close to the actual word. Here are some of them...

Milk = Noke
Chocolate Milk = Chananoke
Soy Sauce = Sea Foss
Cheese = Fees
Grilled Cheese = Toe Fees
Vacuum = Backum
Bedroom = Bebbum
Spaghetti = Lageggi
Tacos = Kockos
Yogurt = Logurk
Fruit Snacks = Boot Dask

For those of you who see Logan, you should now be able to understand him a little better. :)

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