Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eye Doctor

Olivia had her first visit to the eye doctor yesterday. She did very well. She didn't fidget too much, so the doctor was able to get a good look at her eyes. They seem to be developing normally for her age. She still has some far sightedness, but Dr. Clayton told me that all babies are born far sighted and that the faster they lose that, the faster they become near sighted. So, to hear that Olivia was in the normal range was a big relief. Hopefully, she'll continue to stay in the normal range for some time. She does have some astigmatism though. It's nothing to worry about now, but he will check it at the next visit. Of course, that won't be until she's 3 years old. I'm just hoping that all goes well with that visit too. I don't think my kids will have much luck with their eyesight, but I am hoping that it doesn't come until much later.

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