Thursday, May 29, 2008

Growing up so fast

Well, it seems that Logan has taken to a sippy cup rather well. But honestly, that's just what it looks like. He hasn't wanted a bottle much today and we had heard and read that now is a good time to introduce a cup so we went out and got one for him. Well, he was great at grabbing it and sticking it in his mouth like he was supposed to, but as for actually drinking from it...well we still have to work on that. Maybe he really wasn't hungry today. But that is so out of character for him. I guess he was just having one of those days.

We are going to start him on solids as soon as his high chair gets here. I really think Logan is ready despite what his doctor says. She wanted us to wait until he was 6 months, but he's 5 months now and giving us all the signs that he's ready. It should be interesting and I'll post pictures of that once it happens. I am ready for a huge mess since he is messy now with just a bottle. :)

1 comment:

Minna Dyer said...

We started both of our girls on solids at 5 months. Just follow the signs. You know your baby better than doc.
We can't wait to see him!