You don't always have to ask what I want for lunch, the answer is most always "grilled cheese"
Olivia's hair, when wet, is spaghetti noodles.
The game is not called "Lego Batman", but "wego badman and bobin"
It's more fun to play outside if you go out the front door instead of the back. Otherwise, "what's the point?"
If dad is in a meeting, then I must be in one too. (I hear a lot of, "I have a meeting" or "I have to go to work now")
Baths are always more fun with bubbles.
The house is in constant need of vacuuming, and I'm the guy to do it!
When asked what the number 1 rule in the house was, his response..."Take your shoes off!" (Which isn't a rule, his shoes are just always muddy.)
Fruit snacks are always yummy, unless they're from Costco. "I only want purple fruit snacks, they're yummy in my tummy and down to my toes!" (purple fruit snacks are betty crocker, that he gets on rare occasions....Costco are what we always have around the house. Oh, and I haven't figured out the "toes" reference, but that's what he says all the time if he really likes something.)
So what if I like to sleep with the door open, the lights on, and the radio playing quietly in the background? At least I'm not screaming all night long anymore.
I'm really good at making mommy feel better when she's sick. I just have to sit at her door and cry and wait for her to open it, then give her a big hug! If that doesn't work, then forcing myself into her room and jumping on her definitely will!
He looks so much like Sam in this picture...Can't argue with the way a3 year old thinks :)
Love it! I love this age when they say the funniest things.
Jake also says his food goes to his toes! Kids LOL
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