Monday, February 21, 2011

A little about all of us...

It's been a rough couple of weeks. Logan got sick, I got sick, and Olivia got sick. Nothing serious, just colds, but they tend to make life a lot harder.

Another thing we've been dealing with...fear at bedtime. Logan is terrified to go into his room at night. He won't even go in there during the day. He keeps telling us it's "too scary". We ask him what's scary, and it's always something different. At one point, he was convinced his bedding was scaring him so I packed it up, put it away, and took him to the store so he could pick out his own bedding. It worked for a week or so, and now he's convinced it's scary again. I'm not about to go out and get him new stuff everytime he thinks it's scary. We've tried telling the "scaries" to go away, yelling at them, even telling Logan they've left the house and there is a blocker that won't let them back in. We are out of ideas. It's getting ridiculous. He wants us to lay with him, but he won't lay down. Then he gets hysterical when we leave the room. It's become quite the annoying habit. I understand he's 3 and has a vivid imagination, but we are tired parents and completely out of ideas.

Olivia has been fine aside from her cold. But she takes it in stride and just smiles through it. She's pretty mild tempered still, but has become a professional at throwing tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants. I always just ignore her, or try to distract her. It seems to work. She hates it when I leave the room during one of her tantrums and it usually settles her down pretty fast.

As for myself, well I've had tonsilitis for who knows how long now. I'm on the umpteenth antibiotic. I've lost track as to how many I've had this past year. Sam and I are crossing our fingers that this one works, but if it doesn't then it looks like surgery. I've heard it's brutal to have your tonsils taken out as an adult. I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons. But I've had swollen tonsils for so long, I don't even remember when it started. It would be nice to not have that anymore. Other than that, I don't really know what the benefits are. I know I'll still get sick, but will it last as long, or be as bad? Things to think about.

Sam is doing fine. He is the only one of us that hasn't been sick in awhile. He's so lucky that way. He puts up with a lot from the kids and me. I make him work from home every now and then because I just can't take Logan's craziness. Sam has been absolutely wonderful at his willingness to work from home and help out a bit. Even though he has to deal with a lot, he doesn't complain about it, at least not much. :) He's the best!

1 comment:

Minna Dyer said...

Ah, Sam. What a good hubby.

Wow. I wish I had some ideas to share with you about Logan. Sounds rough.
I myself am a walking zombie. I can't sleep due to heartburn, a broken back, a head cold, a constant full bladder (TMI), swollen/pained legs and numb hands. Make you feel any better?