Saturday, June 19, 2010

Garage Sale

Today we had our first ever garage sale. Will we do it again? Probably not, at least not for awhile. It was hard to do with Olivia screaming inside the house because she only wanted to be with her mom. For some reason or another, dad just wasn't good enough today. (Sorry about that Sam) Logan of course was dying to be outside as well, so once he got dressed, he spent the day outside with me, managing inventory. :) He was quick to pull items away from people's view if he thought they might want to purchase. Who knew a 2 year old would be so attached to a desk he never even used. He screamed for a good 15 minutes after it got put into the back of someone's truck. He also had a tantrum when our old weed wacker was purchased. He was okay with letting some of his toys go though. Strange! He was very protective of a stuffed bear. He kept saying "eeya's bear" (olivia's bear) and taking it away just as people approached. Perhaps it was a good thing he was so protective, Olivia held on to that bear the rest of the day once the sale was over.

All in all, it was a good experience. We were able to get rid of a bunch of things that were taking up too much space. But perhaps we should hold off on any other garage sales until the kids are a bit older. It might make things a tad bit easier.

On another note, I just have to mention what Olivia did the other day. I was trying to do her hair and she kept grabbing at her head and gave me a very stern look. I continued to keep trying to put her hair in pigtails. After a minute of struggling, she turned and looked at me and sternly said "NO NO MAMA" while shaking her head no. This girl is going to give me trouble. But she's still very cute.

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