Wednesday, June 2, 2010

And she's off!

Olivia is walking! Well, sort of. She's great at walking while holding on to things. She loves to push anything and everything and walk behind it. Shortly after this video, she took her first official steps! (Which was yesterday) Unfortunately it happened right after I put the camera away, go figure. She's working on it though, today she practiced some more. We think in about a week or so she'll be walking some more.

Oh, and some more bragging about her. She's trying to say more words. She's attempting to say "Logan", "cat", and "socks". It's pretty cute, she'll point to what it is and try to say the word. I should really get it on video. Her favorite thing right now is to drop something and say "Uh oh" and to clap her hands and say "yay". So cute!


Ben and Cortney said...

Really adorable. I like the face she makes at the end of the video, classic! See you guys soon! :)

Minna Dyer said...

Way to go, Livi!