Sunday, September 6, 2009

Musically Inclined

Well, we've only assumed that Logan was really into music, but this weekend, he proved to us that he truly is. He seems to have a natural talent for it. On the way up to his Uncle's house he sat in his carseat, singing to himself while clapping his hands or tapping his knees to the beat (or what we assume was the beat) to his songs. Today during church, he took off and I followed him down the hall. He found the primary room and the music stand, where he stood and waved his hands as if leading the music and singing to himself. Then he spotted the piano, went straight for it, got the music book, opened it up and started playing. Well, really he just hit random keys on the piano, but he was looking intently at the hymn book and singing. After church, he found the piano in the Relief Society room and started to play. He does this all the time at home. He'll just make his way upstairs and start playing the piano, bang on the drums, or strum the guitar. He's even figured out how to turn on the Xbox and start up rock band. He loves to sing into the microphone. Dancing is also another favorite of his. Music is definitely Logan's thing. So today, we had The Sound Of Music on TV. It shouldn't have, but it surprised us that Logan actually sat still for longer than a minute for the movie. It is a musical after all. I've never seen him sit in one spot for awhile and be fine with it. He's usually always up and about, finding some sort of trouble. But I guess now we know to put on a musical for Logan if we need him to be still for a bit.


Minna Dyer said...

Just like my girls. You should try the music and dancing parts of Singing in the Rain. There are some funny ones that Hannah and Jane crack up over.

About your haircut post, I cracked up pretty good. But then I cried for you. I promise :)

Tiffiny said...

A lot of toddlers love music, but it really sounds like Logan is a natural! Very fun!!

Justin and Stephanie said...

What a talented boy!! You better plan on music lessons when he gets a little bit older. He needs some of those sing along videos grandma used to have.