So, we packed up Logan and took him with us thinking we wouldn't be there for too long, and off to the hospital we went. Sam dropped me off, parked the car, and stayed with Logan. Meanwhile, I took myself into Labor and Delivery where they sent me to the triage room. At this point, it was a little after 5pm. I got checked out and was told that I was barely at 2cm. I just shrugged my shoulders and laughed. I asked for something for the pain and if I could just go home. The nurse told me that the contractions I was having were coming on pretty strong and were really close together so maybe I should try walking the halls for a bit. She had me hooked up to an IV thinking that if I got hydrated enough then it would all stop. So there I was walking around the maternity center with an IV not really thinking of anything. I was supposed to walk around for about an hour, but after 10 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore. I went back to the triage room and waited for my nurse to get off her break. In the meantime I was really starting to feel the contractions and was starting to wonder if this could be the real thing, but I shrugged it off again, not wanting to believe it.
The nurse came back and checked me again, this time I was 4+cm. So she went to call the on-call doctor to find out what to do. It was 6:15 at this point, so I called Sam to let him know what was going on. The nurse came back around 6:20 (yes, I was watching the clock at this point) and told me that I was going to have a c-section that night. So I called Sam again to let him know what the plan was, then I called my mom to have her head up to the hospital to pick up Logan for us. I was thinking the c-section would be done around 8:30 or 9pm, so we had plenty of least in my mind I thought we did.
The next thing I know, the anesthesiologist was talking to me about the procedure and what they were going to give me. My mind was a blur at this point. I couldn't figure out why she was talking to me so soon, it was only 6:30, I thought I had plenty of time. The nurse came back, with the doctor, and I was told that we were going to go have the c-section and that it was scheduled for 7pm. At this point, it was now 6:45 and there was no sign of Sam or Logan or anyone to watch Logan. So I franticly made some phone calls to see if anyone could come watch Logan until my mom got there. It was utter chaos. The next thing I know, I'm walking down the hall with the nurse manually injecting some antibiotics into my IV. We got to the Operating room and there was still no sign of Sam. I had the spinal done and was on the table and still no Sam. I was freaking out! But Sam walked in just in time and at 7:33pm our little girl was born. Talk about a close call. It was crazy.
And just when you think it's all over, I heard the doctors saying something about an appendix that should probably be removed. I was so out of it, it didn't register that they were talking about mine. Apparently there was a cyst on it and it just didn't look right to the doctors so they had to call a general surgeon to come in and remove it. The next thing I remember is that it's after 9pm and I was just then being wheeled into my room. I hadn't really seen or held my baby yet and I still had to wait for the medication to wear off. It was quite the night! But all is well and everyone is healthy and happy.
And now, here are some pictures to enjoy.
Hopefully I won't go into labor tonight and have the same experience- I would have been totally freaking out if Ben wasn't there as I was being wheeled in! How is your recovery going? Better or worse then a vaginal delivery?Good luck- she is beautiful!
Congratulations! She is such a cute little chub, I love it! I hope the recovery is going well.
Congratulations, you guys! I'm so happy for you. Olivia is such a darling name for such a darling little girl!
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