Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Holidays

This week has been super busy, but super fun. All of Sam's family came to town, so we got to spend time with them and Logan got to spend time with his cousins. He had a great time with his cousin Bailey, who stayed with us for a couple of days. The two of them seemed to get along very well. Logan still goes around the house looking for "Bayee".

Christmas Eve was spent at my parents house with my family. It was nice, relaxing, and fun. I'm very blessed to have all of my family in the area, but it doesn't mean we always get together, so seeing them all on Christmas Eve was really great. The kids had a great time playing with Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Aaron, Uncle David, and Aunt Heather. My dad made rotisserie chicken out on his grill that was delicious. However, Logan decided to have some fun of his own while my dad was outside grilling. He turned off the outside light and locked the sliding door so that my dad was outside in the dark. I had to run over and let him back in. :) It was pretty funny though, who would've thought that an almost 2 year old would do such a thing. Although, knowing Logan, I'm surprised at myself for not realizing that he would do something like that. But I think that Logan's favorite part of Christmas Eve was playing with the cat. He followed the cat around the house and didn't stop until the cat had had enough. It was pretty funny.

Christmas morning we opened presents at home before heading up to Sam's parents house. Logan was not in a good mood when he woke up and didn't want anything to do with opening presents, so Sam and I opened them for him. He did enjoy his kitchen set that he got though, it was the only thing he would even look at that morning. Olivia had fun attempting to open presents though. She tried to bite the paper off, but we helped her out anyway. She was all smiles. It is so much fun to watch her eyes light up when she's excited.

Later in the morning we made the trip up to Sam's parents to open more presents and spend Christmas day. With 22 people, it was a crowded home but it's always more fun when the entire family gets together.

With Christmas over for this year, we just have Logan's birthday to get ready for next week and then we can finally relax a bit.


Kristy said...

We got that same kitchen for OP. He loves it! And the phone is his favorite part, too! I guess you and I have good taste in presents! :)

Jessica said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas!! Cute kiddos :)